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okay, so i only titled my post once. i'm not quite ready to turn over that leaf.
but, i do want to tell everyone about two things that made going to wal-mart on thursday totally worth it:
1. i saw mercy morgan.
2. the automatic doors at the exit shut on a man while he was trying to leave. he was yelping with a very funny and dramatic yelp. no worries, he was okay.
turning over a new leaf...
... starting with titling my posts
i realize i already posted today, but i didn't want to wait until tomorrow. i was looking back at past blogs, and i came across a post where i was griping about local stores/restaurants/shops that had poor customer service. i have over 12 comments, with almost half of commentors voting rice village one of the worst customer service restaurants in fayetteville. i just wanted to say to you, rice village, that i think you are most improved. congratulations! you no longer get "worst place" for customer service.
however, i still firmly stand by braums being one of the worst places for customer service. i think kinkos might also get a few points for improvement.
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on thursday i register for the little rock marathon... gulp. anyone want to join me for the fun on march 2nd? (*coughs* meredith)
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september resolution:
after talking with a friend the other day, i decided i would be more serious about producing art. whenever i seem to "not have time" for it, i have this eating feeling within me. instead of finding time to make something, i tend to exacerbate my condition by being frustrated with my lack of time and apathy towards making time. i don't want to be this way. rather, i want to be proactive in my creativity, encouraging it with my time management instead of stifling it. so, my september resolution is to do more art: good or bad, rushed or not rushed, genius or idiotic... i'll attempt a few pieces each month. below are two i finished in the last two weeks.