The winds of spring
It seems like a lot of time has passed since I last wrote. In reality, I suppose it hasn't been so long. I just have not possessed the desire to write lately. It has subconsciously been substituted by painting. I've painted two pictures in the last week. This is a lot for me; usually I go weeks, sometimes months without painting something. It is like the artistic organ in my body, instead of regulating a normal production or artistry, swelled up and then burst, and now it is seeping out everywhere. I can't seem to stop, as I am now frantically running out of pictures of people to paint. It is just so much better to paint from your own original photos. That was it is 100% you. Love this. And a friend just gave me a huge pad of news print paper in addition to some Bristol. Now that I have the goods, there is no telling how crazy I will get. I love this stuff so much.
*Verse of the week: Hebrews 6:19*
more like spring... fake... er...
Today is officially the first day of spring. I must say, its about freeking time. All of this fluctuating cold one day, hot the next nonsense has me spent. All who are tired of feeling like they've had a cold for three and a half weeks, raise their hands... All I'm asking for is a little consistency, mother earth. Is it really that hard? Or should I just default to blaming Canada, since it is the source of our insane weather patterns here in northwest Arkansas. Since Canada gets blamed for everything else, I'll go ahead and tack this one on to the list as well.
I am slightly bitter about this year's Spring Break, basically do to the fact that it is not a break at all. We should call it, "Spring the week you don't go to class but still have a ton of work to do" week, because it is essentially just like every other week of school minus the actual walking to and sitting through class. It like all the faculty got together and formed this big conspiracy to subconsciously make students think they have a "break" but in reality, har har har! They get the last laugh. Oh the atrocities committed against today's collegiate society! Will the oppression of us youth ever cease?
today's random random: I've always wanted to live in a country time lemonade commercial.
I had such a great time tonight being with friends. There really is nothing better to do with one's time this side of heaven. It was a most blessed day.
I like to rhyme
[Make haste Lord, come quickly
For I fear yours is faint;
The enemy draws nearer,
Mine glory to taint.
Save me from these depths
Lest you desire me drown;
No, I cannot think such,
Truth claims me a crown--
Of beauty you wear,
As ruling thy throne;
Majestic vast kingdom
You claim as thy own;
pity to incline
An incredible task,
That you leave thy throne
And all that you bask,
For me to rescue
From this pit of mire;
Could it be so true
This is thy desire
Over kingdoms and throne rooms
And glory that be,
To renounce, take on flesh
And come rescue me?
I pray, if such true,
Come hastily soon
Before the devil takes hold;
These waters my tomb.
Truth tells me thy promises,
It tells me “blessed”,
But mine heart, still it cries
You would pass this great test
By saving mine hand
From enemy’s stronghold,
Taking me back
As it has foretold;
Lord hear mine voice--
The hour grown thin;
This light, disappearing,
The water is dim.
Arise O Lord!
Come save yours now!
Rescue mine heart,
Please make such a vow.]*
*this is something I wrote a while ago and it is basically founded upon Psalm 69. Just my interpretation of it.
dead chickens
i'm learning, through my beautiful friend polly, that weddings are not so easy to plan. there is so much detail that goes into it that i would not have expected. for example, should there be ribbon on the thing that hangs on the thing in the back of the thing that no one will see? man, so many details... and i usually like details.
i had the pleasure of staying for a while at polly's house out in the country. it is wonderfully country. they have chickens there. and they have baby chickens. baby chicks can be deceiving though, becuase they look all cute and cuddly but really when you pick them up they have pokey talons and they poop on your hand.
polly's mom also made this spectacular homemade pizza. mmm good. erin even got to help throw-a the pie-a in the air-a. and while we were sitting down to eat, polly shrieked as she remembered that she left the window open in the baby chicken cage, which basically means that they die because something about them needing to be overly hot and sweaty to survive... i didn't really understand because i thought, well chickens have fur and such + they're always under that gigantic heating lamp= they're warm and they live! but apparenlty that isn't how it works. so polly's mom ran off cause she thought polly had killed all the baby chickens, and i was devistated because, well, it didn't matter that they scratch you and poop on you, they're just so darn cute!
well the Lords saves, indeed. He saved the baby chickens. horray. and then we all ate brownies with coffee icecream. it was a great trip to the fort.
200 couches
so i'm back to my original layout for the good 'ole blog. i guess i like it the best. i think i get tired of things looking the same. i don't know why. i just don't like things to be boring. and for some reason to much of something the same way means boring to me. but i like it back to the original. i think it suited me best to begin with. i mean, always go with your gut instincts.
so i have this little plant that has the heart of a champion, for sure. it totally tried to die while i was gone, but i gave it a big hug last night when i got back and it perked up today. its leaves are back to being ever-so not droopy and there is some extra green in its color today.
so if you haven't gone to this website yet, you need to go. its absoultely hilarious but sad at the same time; just breaks my heart, all those people who don't get it. its on my links, but who looks at those anyways.
go now.
so does anyone think interpol sounds like the doors?
mountains and hospitals...
As we flew in over the California inland, I couldn’t help but be captivated by the beauty of the snow-capped San Bernardino Mountains. What an amazing worship experience, to stare at the mountaintops from above instead of below, and to breathe in the wonders of the great Creator.
Landing suddenly transformed me back to my childhood; the palm trees looked slightly smaller in height, but my girlish notions of camping out under them and the stars remained the same. Glancing up at the mountains now that I was at their foothills, I chuckled to myself as the snowcaps appeared to be suspended in mid air. A lovely thick layer of smog covered the bottom half of the land mass. What a shame, I thought, how man’s nature prevails in tainting the majestic beauty of God.
Death is an interesting thing. It can be wondrously painful and heart-wrenching. But I think it can also be joyful. I say this with a new take on the joy of death. I’m not necessarily talking about the joy which one receives from knowing that one has passed on to be with the Lord in heaven. Instead, I mean the joys that are received from solely knowing that God is sovereign and that His glory will be made known in this world. Death can bring a strong sense of God’s sovereignty; This morning, about ten minutes after my grandfather was wheeled away for massive quadruple heart bypass surgery, I took some time to go outside in the chilled morning air. I walked around the hospital parking lot and couldn’t help but notice the spectacular sunset rising over the mountains. The air was dense and foggy; I could see my breath relay out into the humid air. Psalms seemed appropriate, so I choose a few chapters to read aloud to the Lord. While proclaiming the Lord’s Word for all the birds and skies and ears to hear, I was overwhelmed with a peace and presence of the Spirit. My heart was radiant; I wanted to proclaim the Lord’s goodness for all those to hear. It was brilliantly wonderful. For it is so true! The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away, but still my heart will cry out, "Blessed be the Lord, our God!" surly the Lord is good in all things. His plans cannot be thwarted. His glory cannot be contained. All who look will see that the Lord is good.
Everything went surprisingly well. My grandpa is fine. My family is relieved. People will actually sleep tonight for the first time in days. No more wretched no-name motels to sleep in and no more trips to the awful dining facility on the base floor that calls itself a cafeteria. No more sitting for five hours in the same waiting room chair. No more tears. No more prayers, at least not until the next trauma occurrence. For do we only look to the Lord in times of distress? And God sits enthroned in the heavens and remains still as the perfect provider of all, robed in splendor and righteousness, ready to dispense His glory throughout all the heavens and earth. He will do such by whatever means he deems fit, for his glory’s sake; and for that alone, I am thankful to be alive.
This was my birthday weekend. Basically nothing turned out the way I planned, which was fine in some regards because you can't plan having a surprise party.
Nothing every really turns out the way I plan it to anyway. This is pretty standard in my life. So I ask the question, why do I keep on planning? Well, that is a relevant yet tricky question. I need to plan. We all need to plan. But those plans should always be subject to change. Because, as you might have guessed, they always will change.
I heard frustrating news tonight in regards to a long time friend. Essentially, negative things were being said about this friend indirectly through one of his friends, primarily out of his "concern" for my friend. In essence, however, this was not concern but only gossip and frustration on the part of the one speaking the hurtful things. And as someone who loves this person very much, I took the hurt for him. It broke my heart to hear how someone could say such things and still call oneself a follower and lover of Jesus.
This is totally a tangent from my former topic, but it just happened, and I really need to vent about it. I am so tired of no one loving each other. I mean, gosh, this is the highest commandment given to us! To love God and to love each other. And I see so little of it, myself included in this. I am so tired, tired of everyone treating each other like we are disposable. I'm tired of people acting like they're more important and better than the next person. I'm tired of people not removing the planks out of their own eyes before casting the first stones. I'm just tired of professors of Christ never living up to the standard of what they profess. I pray that the Lord would give me the heart of Jesus. I pray this for my brothers and sisters too. Love one another.